Friday, February 14, 2025
3-5pm: Phone-in registration, numbers to be posted
6-8pm: Registration at El Bandito's
Saturday, February 15, 2025
9am: MANDATORY Participant Meeting at Coffee Bear, waiver sign
10am: 12th Street opens
11am: Opening Ceremonies at Notorious Blair Street from 10th to 13th
11:15pm: Silverton Skijoring Begins
±3-4pm: Silverton Skijoring Ends , 12th Street Vendor Row closes
5pm : Post race celebration and awards at the Lacey Rose next to the
Grand Imperial Hotel
Sunday, February 16, 2025
10am: 12th Street opens
11am: Opening Ceremonies at Notorious Blair Street from 10th to 13th
11:15pm: Silverton Skijoring Begins
±3-4pm: Silverton Skijoring Ends, 12th Street Vendor Row closes
5pm : Post race celebration and awards at the Golden Block Brewery
2025 16th Annual Silverton Skijoring Rules
OPEN CLASS: Teams are considered to be the highest skilled competitors with the fastest and most skilled horses. The Open class will consist of all match teams. Skiers are limited to 4 entries in the open. Horses and skiers entered in the Open cannot compete in the Sport or Novice. Competitors cannot enter an identical team (skier, horse, rider) more than one time. Registration $200 per team.
SPORT CLASS: Teams are considered to be intermediate level skill participants riding horses that may not have the experience to be in the Open Class. Sport class will consist of all matched teams. Skiers are limited to 3 entries in the Sport class. Horses and skiers entered in the Sport cannot compete in the Novice or Open. Competitors cannot enter an identical team (skier, horse, rider) more than one time. Registration $150 per team.
NOVICE CLASS: Teams are considered to be new to the sport, beginner level competitors riding horses that may be brand new to the sport. Novice class will consist of 1 match, 1 draw format. Skiers are limited to 2 entries in the Novice class and one of those entries must be a draw. Horses and skiers entered in the Novice cannot compete in the Sport or Open. Competitors cannot enter an identical team (skier, horse, rider) more than one time. Registration $100 per team.
JUNIOR CLASS: Free (Both Rider and Skier must be 12 or under to be eligible for awards).
1.All teams in the Open/Sport class will follow a Match format. Skiers and Riders must have a team created to enter competition.
2. Novice Class will follow the 1 Match, 1 Draw format. For every Match team entered there will also be a Draw team created. Draw teams will remain the same throughout the weekend. Teams that choose not to compete in the draw cannot match for a second run in the novice. Horses entered in the Novice class cannot run in the Open, Sport.
3. Junior - will follow the match format. We will work to ensure that every interested Junior competitor gets a chance to compete. Junior times will be calculated to include obstacles and gates. Both team members must be 12 or younger to be eligible for awards.
1. A Horse may not run more than two times in a day.
2. Horses should be in physical shape to participate in the extreme sport of skijoring.
3. A horse cannot move between Open, Sport, and Novice classes.
1. A skier/rider can choose their division of competition and are not required to advance to the next class if they win their division. However, if they win a division more than once they must be able to take grief from other competitors for not moving up.
2. Skiers must stay within their class of choice. Skiers cannot compete with an identical team more than
once in each class.
3. All skiers must wear approved snow sport helmets and eye protection
4. Any skier under 18 must have parent/guardian sign a parental consent form. Parent or Guardian must be present during signup and competition. Protective Eyewear and helmet must be worn during competition.
1. Races will start on time. Each team is allowed 3 minutes to complete staging and begin their run. After the allotted time has expired the team will be asked to leave the staging area. They will have one more chance to start successfully or they will be disqualified for that run.
2. Substitutions are allowed for any team member (horse, skier or rider) prior to the competitor meeting on Saturday. After the competitor meeting on Saturday there will be NO substitutions. Substitutions for exhibition runs will be allowed if approved by the field judges.
3. If a horse, rider, or equipment is deemed unsafe the rider and horse can be asked to leave at any time by the Start Judges or the Judge.
4. If the Skier drops the rope BEFORE crossing the start line when the rider and horse has clearly started down the track, he/she will be allowed a restart. If the skier drops the rope on the second attempt to start, the team will be disqualified for that run.
5. Skiers must finish with rope in hand and have at least one ski on when crossing the finish line.
6. Skiers - Both ski tips and both boots must go around a gate, or the gate is considered missed.
7. Penalties: There will be a 5 second penalty added for every missed gate, there will be a 2 second penalty added for every missed or dropped ring. If a horse goes through the finish but does not hit the timing equipment a 5 second penalty will be added.
8. If the course has rings, you must carry rings through the finish.
9.Timing Equipment hit by a horse at the start will be given one warning for that run and hitting it a second time will result in a disqualification for that run. Timing Equipment hit by a horse at the finish will result in a disqualification for that run. If Skier does not trip time clock and does not make it past the starting area the team may have another run. If course is completed but the Skier does not trip the time clock it will result in a DQ. Skier starts the clock by skiing over through the starting line laser gate and completes the time by skiing through the finish line gate.
10. All performance-enhancing drugs are prohibited and will not be tolerated.
11. Protests must be declared immediately by the skier/rider at the finish line for consideration. Judge will have the final ruling before the start of the next run.
12. The following will result in a disqualification: Infraction of any state or federal law which exists pertaining to the exhibition, care, and custody of horses within the state or country. Abuse of an animal on the track and/or evidence that an act of abuse has occurred at any time during the Silverton Skijoring Event. Failure to dismount and/or present horse and equipment to any official or Veterinarian.
13. The on-site veterinarian will have the authority to scratch a horse for health reasons or concerns pertaining to the safety of the horse. Any member of the organizing committee can require a horse to be examined by the veterinarian prior to racing.
14. Silverton Skijoring will provide ropes and baton for competitors, though competitors are allowed to bring their own ropes and batons. Batons are optional, if chosen to use a baton it must be over 6 inches in length. Any rope not supplied by Silverton Skijoring must be inspected and approved by the Start Master or his designee prior to the start of the race. Ropes cannot exceed 33 feet in length. Ropes must be 3/8” or larger in diameter. Handles are not permitted on ropes. Attachment must be to the saddle horn or behind the saddle. If the attachment is behind the saddle, it must be secured to the primary rigging rings of the saddle by a non-elastic attachment so that the pulling rope is within 6 inches of the cantle. Prior to the race, the Start Master, or his designee may inspect any attachment to the saddle. Quick release shackles are recommended.
15. If a skier wants a tow back to the start, they must continue to the finish line to meet the snowmobile.
Safety for Horses, Skiers and Riders is the highest priority. The event can be discontinued at any time by the judges for unsafe conditions. Refunds will be given if possible due to a discontinued event but are not guaranteed.
Good sportsmanship is important to the success of every event. Registration signature pledges a competitor’s word to the humane treatment of their horse and respectful relationships to all fellow competitors and volunteers hosting this exciting competition. Failure to comply with the spirit of friendly competition at any of the scheduled events may result in the disqualification of your team or banishment from future competitions.
This event is run entirely by volunteers – please treat them with respect.
2025 event notes
Please park trailers and stable horses on the long streets (Mineral, Cement, Greene Streets). Stabling can be done at the Train Depot on 10th. Do Not Block access road to Heli-Pad. When looking for your overnight spot, please leave enough room for a emergency vehicle and passenger car to pass without incident. Please do not stable in front of homes actively being used. Look for ground markings and signage.